Alpenpanorama pur!
Whitewater tours & trainings

Alps 2023 - Sometimes everything is just right!

As so often, these dreamlike weeks in June at the alpine rivers started with small things. When I, Sebastian, arrive at the campsite in the foothills of the Alps the night before the first day of the course and, as I have done for years, look for the little path down to the Isar to see if "our spot" is free - because actually this campsite never reserves fixed spots - the first surprise is perfect: we didn't know until the last moment, but this year for the first time we got our own area.

LWA Gründer Sebastian Schmidt © Land Water AdventuresAbout the author:

Sebastian, founder and owner of Land Water Adventures, and basically content as long as there is water on the stream, enough chocolate and nice people around him. There is also more about Sebastian here.

And so it should continue. The level was perfect, because regularly in the afternoon/evening it rained, but at the same time we were consistently spoiled by sun during the course days on the river.

These course days we shared with good-humored participants who, with a desire for adventure but also coziness, made these two weeks, which Andi and I also consider our friends trip, wonderful days.

When then with the second course and especially with the transfer to the Lech Valley for the third and fourth course once again more familiar faces joined the advanced courses, we were greeted not only by a turquoise Lech with perfect water level, but also invitations to coffee and cake, barbecue and pizza evenings, many hugs and stories from the past years and the past weeks: From Norway to Albania and the anticipation of all that is yet to come this year.

Have fun looking through the impressions of these two weeks in the Alps!

Und wenn ihr jetzt auch Lust bekommen habt: Die nächsten Termine unserer Wildwasser Packrafting Kurse in den Alpen und alle Infos dazu findet ihr auf unserer Webseite.


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