Four seasons in the Hunsrück 2024 - Multiday at its best!
What wonderful multiday weeks lie behind us this time. To start with, snow remains the extreme and so far unique exception, aber dennoch hat das Wetter auch in diesem Frühjahr 2024 wieder für Spannung gesorgt. Von eisigem Graupel bis T-Shirt Wetter bei Sonnenschein war alles dabei und auch sonst war es eine der variantenreichsten Multiday-Saisons der LWA Geschichte.
Or did it just seem that way to me? The course was not that unusual, the weather often offers its full variety during these spring weeks. And it is often the first tour in March that offers the best water levels, but also the most challenging weather. This was also the case with HR-Tour1. It got warmer with every tour this year and at the end of April on HR-Tour3, it was quite strange to put on the dry suit on the grass - which some people didn't even want to take off again on the first tours.
Warum war dann mein Gefühl das einer so besonderen Multiday-Saison? Weil wir wir so durchgängig einen so perfekten Wasserstand auf den Bächen hatten? So viel, dass es teilweise für Einsteiger schon herausfordernd war.

Sebastian, founder and owner of Land Water Adventures, and basically content as long as there is water on the stream, enough chocolate and nice people around him. There is also more about Sebastian here.
Perhaps it was more in me. However, one moment always feels special, and that is the moment when, after a whole year, I'm standing on the almost completely empty meadow at the Nahemühle campsite. Everything is still very quiet, but the beautiful images of the last few years of the meadow slowly filling up come to mind. How people enter the campsite before each course and you can recognize them as LWA participants from afar. At least because of their large backpacks, but perhaps also because of the sense of adventure they radiate.
And then it really was like my imagination. And maybe that was the reason why it felt so special in the end: I was involved in more tours this year than in previous years for logistical reasons and again, as it was in the first years of LWA. And so I was able to get to know every Hunsrück adventurer personally. I realized that I had missed that. Together with the BayerWald-Tourwhich I personally guided this year again, I was finally able to meet every Multiday participant in person again this year. I enjoyed that.
Because that's what multiday tours are all about. You go through all kinds of weather together. These tours attract exceptionally different people and in the end every tour is unique and different every year.
Another typical feature of the multiday courses is how many people we see again later. Whether it's the Alps, Soča or Norway this year, it's already clear that I'll be back in the boat with many of the participants this spring. That's what I like about LWA, it motivates me again and again.
Of course, we are also particularly pleased and motivated when we receive feedback like this from our participants after the tours:
If you want to experience packrafting from 0 to 100 in 4 days, LWA's Hunsrück tour is just the thing for you. Some previous knowledge of paddling and hiking camping is helpful but not necessary. As little lightweight hiking equipment as possible makes the hiking sections, which should not be underestimated, more enjoyable. On the other hand, the motivating guides take you by the hand in the moving waters of the Nahe and the wild Hahnenbach, you learn an incredible amount and get your money's worth in terms of paddling time.
Jörg on Google
Absolutely recommended for all those who like to challenge themselves, have fun in a group but also want to be able to fully rely on the guides when things aren't going so well.
I've just come back from the Hunsrück tour and can only thank the LWA team and especially the guides for the great adventure. Perfectly organized, great material, challenging but also doable - it's best to experience it for yourself!
Kai on Google
Thank you very much for your words and thank you for being there!
But now, let's turn our eyes onto the picture gallery
The picture gallery we have selected is intended to give you an impression of what these multiday courses are all about for us. However, they cannot do more than give an impression. The feeling of being self-sufficient for several days with packrafts can only be felt. With a rushing river under the boat, in the sunny and cold moments, in the easy and difficult ones, and always in the company of like-minded people who couldn't imagine anything better than being out there for 4 days with a paddle in their hands.
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